Mississippian cephalopods, bivalves, occasional shark teeth, poorly preserved plants in shales at a site near the crest of the Inyo Mountains near the old mining town of Cerro Gordo.
A difficult to access site involving a 8 mile 13(km) drive on a good graded road that climbs 4000 feet. An additional mile-(1600meters) on a jeep trail. And a half mile (800meters) hike uphill at an altitude above 8000 feet.
Public Land. Private, non-commercial collecting permitted.
Shark teeth, bivalves, small ammonites, straight cephalopods, plants
More diverse invertebrates are found in a one meter limestone exposure above the shales
- "Cerro Gordo","Inyo","CA","From Cerro Gordo, head North and take first left, left at fork in 200 meters. 1.6km to fork. Park, Walk back to 'Pipeline Trail' and hike uphill about 800m to fossiliferous exposures in gray shale and overlying thin limestone","Mississippian","Chainman","bivalves,cephalopods-ammonites(small),goniates;vertebrates-sharks(teeth);plants","http://inyo.coffeecup.com/site/im/inyofossils.html""36.5449,-117.8040GA2","|",
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