Mazourka Canyon is an unusual North-South oriented canyon in the North-South oriented Inyo Range East of Independence, Inyo County, CA. A number of Lower Paleozoic formations are exposed as one travels up the canyon. Several contain relatively large numbers of fossils
US395/CA14 runs up the East side of the Sierra Nevada Mountains. Just South of the small town of Independence, Mazourka Canyon Road runs East toward the Inyo Mountains.
Public lands. Private, non-commercial collecting is permitted.
- "Badger Flat","Inyo","CA","In limestones overlying graptolitic shales South of Badger Flat","Ordovician","Badger Flat Limestone","Brachiopods,Receptaculites,Pelmatozoa,trilobites,gastropods","CA0078","37.2683,-119.1153MCU","|",,,
- "Independence","Inyo","CA","At elbow of Mazourka Canyon in Inyo Mountains in SE1/4s31t11sr36e type locality of (37.0044 118.0059 about 500m from head of N branch of Waucoba Wash)","Ordovician Middle","Mazourka","Orthis,Encrinus,Cybeloides,Ceraurus,Pliomerops","CA0089","37.0044,-118.0059, SE1/4s31t11sr36e","|",
- "Independence","Inyo","CA","At head of Mazourka Canyon in Inyo Mountains in s34t11sr36e (PLSS is Mt Diablo Baseline? Latitude/Longitude 36.9464N,-118.0299W On E side of crest 1.8km SE of the head of Lead Creek -- a couple of km E of head of Mazourka Canyon)","Cambrian","Silver Peak Group","Trematobolus","CA0090","36.9464,-118.0299,s34t11sr36e?,","|",
- "Independence","Inyo","CA","10.3km E on Mazourka Canyon Rd, on right (East) side of the road as it turns North into Mazourka Canyon in a large area of dark limestone. Occasional well preserved reef fossils and in additional outcrops for 12km N up the Canyon","Silurian","Vaughn Gulch Limestone","brachiopods,bryozoa,corals,sponges,others","Geological Survey bulletin, Issue 1181","36.8214,-118.0872GA1","|",,,
- "Independence","Inyo","CA","16km E then N on Mazourka Canyon Rd, in Sunday Canyon on W side of Mazourka Canyon and North for 12km -- Outcrops of Silurian beds with Vaughn Gulch style bioclastic limestones and Graptolite bearing beds","Silurian","Sunday Canyon","brachiopods,bryozoa,corals,sponges,others,graptolites","Geological Survey bulletin, Issue 1181","36.8790,-118.0946GA2","|",,,
- "Independence","Inyo","CA","29km E then N on Mazourka Canyon Rd, at Badger Flat","Ordovician","Badger Flat","diverse, well preserved invertebrate fossils. Possibly exposed as far South as Johnson Spring","Geological Survey bulletin, Issue 1181","36.9688,-118.0974GA2","|",,,
- "Independence","Inyo","CA","29km E then N on Mazourka Canyon Rd, in Al Rose Canyon","Ordovician","Al Rose","invertebrate fossils","Geological Survey bulletin, Issue 1181","36.9544,-118.1543GA2","|",,,
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