Ordovician reef fossils in a hundred meter thick, 300 meter wide bioherm exposed on of Meikeljohn Peak a few miles East of Beatty. Silicified fossils are found in lenses in the bioherm and in the shales along the edges of the bioherm
Public Land. Non-commercial collecting allowed without a permit. However, the site is a candidate for more serious protection
Small, well preserved brachiopods, conodonts, echinoderms, bryozoa, poorly preserved trilobites, cephalopods, etc.
- "Beatty","Nye","NV","10 km NW","trilobites,brachiopods","NV0202","36.9086,-116.7583MCU","|",
- "Beatty","Nye","NV","E in a calcareous bioherm 300 meters long and almost 100 meters thick along Ridge line. diverse,well preserved silicified fossils","Ordovician","Antelope Valley Limestone","fossils","NV0203","36.9086,-116.7583MCU","|",,,
- "Beatty","Nye","NV","East on Meiklejohn Peak on the west side of Bare Mountain. An Ordovician reef deposit with articulate brachiopods and many genera of trilobites","Ordovician""brachiopods,trilobites","NV0204","36.9086,-116.7583MCU","|",
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